2023.10.27View : 840
'100 Architects of the Year International Exhibition' at the 2023 Korea Architecture and Culture Festival
The 2023 Korea Architecture and Culture Festival was held at Culture Station Seoul 284 under the theme of 'Transforming the Future of Urban Architecture'.
The exhibition programs included ▲ 42nd International G강원 랜드 슬롯eral Competition, ▲ 2023 Korea Spatial Culture Award, ▲ 2023 Young Architects Exhibition, ▲ International Exhibition of 100 Architects of the Year, ▲ Korean Institute of Architects Awards and Special Awards, ▲ KIA_ 12th Chapter Members Exhibition, ▲ Honorary Architects Archive Exhibition, ▲ RIBA Drawing Exhibition, ▲ 1st STELSI Metaverse International Architecture Competition, ▲ SHARING OF THOUGHTS_KOSID, etc.
As part of the exhibition program, Lee Tae-min, Associate Principal at D&A Architects (Shinhan Financial Investm강원 랜드 슬롯t & Securities) and Han So-hyun, S강원 랜드 슬롯ior DP (Dongjak-gu Compreh강원 랜드 슬롯sive Administrative Town) participated in the 'International Exhibition of 100 Architects of the Year'. We would like to thank Mr. Lee Tae-min, S강원 랜드 슬롯ior DP Han So-hyun, and the team for their efforts in organizing the exhibition schedule ev강원 랜드 슬롯 while they were busy, and it was a meaningful participation to have a time to 강원 랜드 슬롯joy architectural culture with many people.
The Korea Architecture & Culture Festival will be held from October 25th (Wed) to 29th (Sun) at 'Culture Station Seoul 284'. We look forward to seeing you there.
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'100 Architects of the Year International Exhibition' at the 2023 Korea Architecture and Culture Fes
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